About Workshop

Architectural Workshop is 280 sq.mt. work space for architecture students to help
develop their three dimensional visual perception, improve their skill of model-
making and produce models of their design projects. The workshop has dedicated spaces,
machinery and technologies for working with a wide range of tools and materials.
The students learn proper use of tools, equipments and machines, different techniques
used in model making, selection of material according to need of design project,
and use of various material like wood, polystyrene acrylic, clay, plaster of Paris,
paper and metal.
In order to use the workshop the students attend an induction session and workshop
practice course. The induction clarifies what one can expect from the workshop,
familiarizes with the health and safety codes, and make them aware of the basic
functions of equipment and available tools. The workshop also houses a Material
Library which has a rich collection of building materials used in the construction
industry. Other than all above, Climatology Equipments for teaching climate related
architecture subjects are also part of this workshop.
Our Team
Abhinav Shrivastava
Junior Superintendent
Machinery, Equipments and Tools
• Laser Engraver
• Plotter
• Hotwire Cutter
• Power Tools
• Circular Saw
• Double wheeled Grinder
• Metal Cut off
• Wide Ranged Hand tools
• Curving & Lino tools