Global Studio
The Global studio was conducted in School of Planning and Architecture, Bhopal in collaboration with United Nations University – Institute of Advanced Studies (UNU-IAS), Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), ICLEI-Local Governments for Sustainability and Madhya Pradesh State Biodiversity Board from 17th May 2012 to 31st May 2012 . Fifty students, twelve in-house faculty members, experts from Bhopal and field knowledge participated.
The Global studio – LBSAP SPA Bhopal 2012 had the prime objective to study the biodiversity of the city of Bhopal and propose local strategies and action plan for biodiversity conservation. Global Studio focused on sustainable use of the components of biological diversity including conservation of biological diversity and the fair and equitable sharing of the benefits arising out of the utilization of genetic.
Border frameworks were used to build to understanding of the macro level (city level) information and issues. Micro level studies were undertaken for preparation of local area strategies and action plan. The studies included literature review, field surveys, discussions with informants, focus group discussion, and interviews with individuals and organizations working on urban and biodiversity issues.Quantitative evidence was used wherever data was available, and in cases where they did not exist or were inaccessible, the study made use of discourses that emerged from the discussions and interviews.
The main ecosystems identified for detail studies were selected depending upon biodiversity and ecosystem characteristics i.e. natural, semi-natural, managed ecosystems etc. The studio works included biodiversity assessment (species, habitats and management) and identification of micro zones depending upon biodiversity characteristics; an assessment of the conservation status of species within ecosystems; the creation of priorities and targets for conservation and restoration; study of legal and governance framework, existing and proposed project details; and, the strategies and action plan for implementation.
The inhabitants of the ecosystem were approached, encouraging them to share their perceptions on the issues and concerns for the ecosystem. The finding of the Global Studio– LBSAP SPA Bhopal 2012 were shared and discussed with the prime stakeholders of Bhopal including opinion makers, policymakers, Non-government Organizations, Community based Organizations and the locals.
The finding of the Global Studio– LBSAP SPA Bhopal 2012 is a rich source of information and has the potential to influence the decisions related to biodiversity of Bhopal. The potential of the information for dissemination and awareness building was appreciated by many experts of the city.